Flexi Schooling
At Rackenford Primary School, we understand that each child’s learning journey is different.
We have introduced flexi schooling to our curriculum to allow parents and children the opportunity to work flexibly between home schooling and attendance at school.
The small, community nature of our school enables us to focus on each child’s learning needs, finding an arrangement that ensures the best learning experience for the child.
What is flexi schooling?
We know that parents, extended families and carers are involved in their children’s education in many different ways such as reading together, talking, supporting homework, learning together, playing games, cooking, sports, clubs, outings, activities, swimming, experiences, visits, building Lego models, and much more.
Flexi-schooling is used to describe a situation where a child’s parents or carers opt to educate their children for part of the time, during the school week. Having a combination of attendance at school and home schooling, where children are still registered at a school but only attend part time. Three or four days attendance at school is recommended: research has shown that this gives a good balance between school and home education.
Rackenford Church of England supports this choice and acknowledges that, “parental involvement in children’s education from an early age has a significant effect on educational achievement and continues to do so into adolescence and adulthood”. Sylva, et al (2004) Effective preschool education, Final report DFES. London: Institute of Education.
For further information about our Flexi Pathway, please contact the school office or click here Flexi School info