
Rackenford Primary School

Newsletter |17th January 2025

Shining Bright

Roe- Oscar
Fallow- Wilfred
Sika- Pan


Roe- Anisa
Fallow- Freya
Sika- Eliza


  • Monday year 3 and 4 mixed football at Tiverton High, please come in school PE kit and bring a spare uniform incase they get wet.
  • Wednesday 22nd January Year 6 Exmoor Challenge practice walk.

Fallow Class

Fallow Class had a visit from Marvelous Histories who taught them about the Ancient Greeks. We found out about what they liked to eat, how they worshipped the Gods and Goddesses and about the theatres where they told stories about Myths and legends. The children were lucky to have handled replicas of weapons from the Ancient Greek era and they learnt how the Ancient Greek’s fought as a team lining up and locking shields for protection with just their spears pointing over the top. We also found out that Greek children did not go to school, but the boys started training to become a Sparton soldier from age 7 and they used to have to survive by themselves for 3 days without any adult support! Fallow class had a fantastic day and learnt lots of new facts and information – a great experience for all the children!


The Rackenford Minibus is back at School now and is available for hire subject to checks. Please get in touch with the school office if you would like more information.

Little Angels

This week has been a creative week, with a focus on expression and movement. We have been working from the story Beautiful Opps by Barney Saltzberg. The children have loved being creative with mark making, construction, marbel painting, painting to music, dancing to a variety of artists and designing their very own Mona Lisa! A wonderful week for the Little Angels who have had the opportunity to be open minded and discover more about themselves!


Writer of the week:
Roe- D'arcy
Fallow - Leo
Sika- Izzy

Well done to Jack T and Bobby both of your Football team won their matches.
Rowan D for your swimming certificate.